After 4 years of development, the Plastiki - a catamaran made up of 12,000 plastic bottles - has sailed off on March 20 in the morning, leaving Sausalito (San Francisco).  The 31 year-old heir of a famous British family of bankers, David De Rothschild should reach Sydney in 100 days in command of his boat. Plastiki is 18 m long and is entirely made up of pressurized plastic bottles tied together with a sugar cane glue, while the sail comes from recycled plastics. The totally eco-catamaran is powered by solar panels and a bike. Rothschild, whose adventure will be documented thanks to Twitter, aims at awakening Europe and United States' conscience, making them aware of the worrying Eastern Garbage Patch, an archipelago of floating garbage not far from Hawaii and Japan, that could cause deep climate changes.