The organisers of Plast’09 delivered the final press release about Plast’09 and the related statistical report. First of all, what already anticipated at the end of the show is now confirmed. The number and quality of Italian and foreign visitors have given some little but significant signal of optimism to several exhibitors at Plast’09. In comparison to the 2006 edition, the number of exhibitors has decreased due to the concurrency of not only Ipack-IMA, but also Converflex that led some companies that exhibited at Plast in the past to choose one show rather than the other. But Plast’09 held, despite such a figure and the economical and financial world crisis: 1,478 exhibitors (856 Italian, 622 foreign, 1,052 direct, 426 represented) have attracted 55,175 visitors (37,586 Italian and 17,589 foreign) from 114 countries. 71.2% of foreign visitors came from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Europe, most of which from Germany (8.4%) followed by France (8%), Spain (5.6%), Switzerland (5.3%), Greece (4.6%), Turkey (4.4%), Slovenia (4.4%), Portugal (3.3%), the UK (2.7%) and Poland (2.5%). Out of Europe the largest contingent came from Middle East (10.8%). As for the 5 days of fair, the less and most visited were the first (March 24) and the fourth (March 27) that gathered 9.3% and 26.6% of total visitors respectively.