On February 24, 2010, EuPC (European Plastics Converters) organized a breakfast on "Plastics and Trade" with the Group of the European People's Party (EPP). The meeting was hosted by the European Parliament in order to raise awareness amongst MEPs on the current economic position of the European plastics converting industry. The event was attended by 40 industry representatives, EU officials and MEPs. Alexandre Dangis, Managing Director of EuPC, explained that plastics converters in Europe not only are affected by the economic recession but also are facing the delocalisation of plastic raw material production out of Europe, thus becoming increasingly dependent on non-European supplier, whose products are not necessarily subject to EU legislation and quality standards. According to Dangis, the current European plastics converting industry is still a net exporter of plastic goods, but this situation could well worsen in the future. Considering the crucial role played by European plastics conversion industry (adding value to most manufactured goods from motor cars to food packaging), EuPC hopes that a policy on plastics right will be carried out, in order to avoid damaging effects on user and supply industries.