Two E-Move blow moulding machines have recently been delivered by ST Soffiaggio Tecnica to two important plastics converters: Cebi Italy, based in Osimo (Ancona), and Sep Doo, located in Mokronog (Slovenia).

The E-Move full-electric model is the smallest machine in the Monza-based company’s range. Intended for the production of small and medium diameter high complexity parts, this blow moulding machine is particularly suitable for the manufacturing of high-precision products. The machine’s the ability to mould both 3D and 2D conventional parts makes it suitable for a wide range of usages, from the automotive "under the hood" to the white goods sector applications.

The E-Move’s electric drives offer a range of benefits, including: reduced energy consumption; reduced environmental impact (thanks to the absence of oil and noise within the workplace); great precision of movements; repeatability of all cycle functions.

These two deliveries mark an important milestone for ST Soffiaggio Tecnica. The delivery to Cebi Italy, which has been already using some machines from ST, is seen as a proof that its technology continues to be appreciated. Furthermore, the expansion of its machines range demonstrates that the Italian market is showing signs of renewed vitality. The delivery to Sep Doo, which already owned 2D conventional blow moulding machines from ST, on the other hand, represents the first instance of the company’s suction technology supplied to the Slovenian market and, as a result, a further expansion of its global presence.