Versatility and weight reduction - which means greater competitiveness, quality and process repeatability - have made this technology a true winner. And with a complete solution just supplied to a major player on the local dairy market, the positive feedback keeps on coming.

Sacmi CBF technology has recently won the FBE Award (Food Beverage Engineer Annual Innovation Production Award). This prestigious prize, assigned at the third Food Beverage Equipment and Engineer Summit in Shanghai, aims to identify the best technology on the blow moulding market.

CBF merges the very best characteristics of alternative container-making technologies (e.g. EBM, IBM, ISBM), a fact that grabbed the jury's attention and saw the Sacmi-developed process acknowledged for its intrinsic advantages: excellent thermodynamic stability, no gate on the bottom of the container, high productivity and precision-moulded necks. When combined with the excellent flexibility that stems from being able to use different resins, these factors make this solution ideal for the dairy sector where weight reduction and process versatility are in great demand.