A machinery manufacturer from Varese, Comerio Ercole, will deliver a film calendering line to be installed at the Mondorevive factory in Farentino (near Frosinone, Italy). Equipped with four cylinders, the new calender will reach a height of 2.7 meters and its construction - complying with Industry 4.0 standards - will offer all the versatility necessary to meet the needs of the company in terms of surface finishing and upgrading processes.
Mondorevive produces PVC and PET films and in recent years has dedicated itself to the development of solutions increasingly oriented towards environmental sustainability. Founded in 1949, today the company has operations in Busto Arsizio (Varese) and Marnate (Varese), as well as the Farentino plant. In addition to these operations, the Mondorevive group also includes Caltek, a company based in Chignolo Po (near Pavia) that produces PVC and PET films for various applications from packaging to furniture, and MondoSD, based in Bernate Ticino (Milan), operating in the field of plastics recycling.
Founded in 1885 as a manufacturer of machinery for the textile, rubber and paper industries, Comerio Ercole since the 1990s has been specialising above all in the construction of machines and plants for the processing of rubber and plastics, the production of nonwovens and for special applications. For the manufacturer, this order from Mondorevive represents a further confirmation of its ability to provide state-of-the-art technology in total compliance with the industrial production needs of today's smart factories.