As of January 2023, Tria introduces the short work week. For all employees of the company in Cologno Monzese (Milan) the working hours have been reduced from 40 to 36 hours per week without bringing down salaries.
Tria’s decision goes back to the lockdown in spring 2020, when the company introduced remote working. The employees had to manage their work independently without working hours control and an increase in productivity and turnover was recorded. On top of this, in the following months, new technologies were developed that met with success at the recent K 2022 exhibition.
Once the remote working period was terminated, CEO Stefano Venturelli and the management launched a feasibility study for the short work week to be introduced from the beginning of 2023 for an experimental period of seven months. The initiative was favourably welcomed by employees. Tria is one of the first companies in Italy to reduce weekly working hours.