The third European Bioplastics Conference was held in Berlin on November, attracting 22 exhibitors and 300 delegates approx. from 26 countries and confirming that the industry is preparing for a sustained period of growth with worldwide investment in new production facilities. The market for bioplastics has expanded vastly in recent years. From an international capacity of 150,000 tons in 2006 production is expected to rise to 2 million tons in 2011. Kai Wagner from the German Ministry of Economics and Technology underlined this positive development in his welcome address: bioplastics promote development in rural areas and provide hi-tech industries with excellent opportunities for development; the increasing use of bioplastics creates jobs for skilled staff and bolsters economic growth. The keynote speaker Michael Stumpp (Basf) said that the bioplastics market has already become a considerable one, both on a retail and on a resin level. He is convinced that the market will grow quickly and sustainably within the next few years. The other keynote speaker, Armand Klein (DuPont), pointed out that we have to reduce our environmental footprint drastically. Renewably-sourced materials, which are already available today, can provide for a step in the right direction. Soaring bioplastics production is attracting the attention of brand owners. In a series of speeches Sant Anna, leading Italian mineral water producer, and Telecom Italia presented their new products and set out their visions for the bioplastics sector.