A partnership focused on applied research for the use of gamma rays was recently established between the Gammarad European irradiation centre for products sterilization based in Minerbio (near Bologna, Italy) and Ciri MAM, the interdepartmental centre of industrial research, advanced mechanics and materials of the University of Bologna.
The research activity will aim at analysing the effects of gamma rays on polymers and on raw materials used in cosmetics.
Gammarad Italia will work closely with the Ciri MAM centre of the University of Bologna, a research facility created by the Italian institute in the frame of the Tecnopoli programme, developed by the Emilia Romagna Region in the framework of the Regional Operational Programme supported by the European Regional Development Fund (POR-FESR 2007-2013). This programme covers a wide range of applications, including automation, mechanics, production technologies, materials, navigation and toxicology.
Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves which pass through matter, killing and destroying all bacteria without leaving any residue or causing any alteration or temperature increase. These rays feature a high penetrating capacity and, as a result, are particularly effective when used on packaged products. In sterilization and sanitisation applications, they eliminate any microorganisms without making products radioactive.
This new partnership was announced during the "Farete" event (Bologna, 16-17 September, 2013), organised by Unindustria Bologna, in the presence of Maurizio Fiorini, teacher of the Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering Department (DICAM) of the University of Bologna, and of Massimiliano Magagnoli, president of Gammarad Italia, who commented: "We are excited for this collaboration agreement with Ciri MAM, which represents an important research centre in Italy as well as worldwide. This will certainly add value to our business. I am particularly proud to point out that both parts involved in this partnership come from the same area, Emilia Romagna, which has always looked to the future with confidence and passion".