With the enforcement of energy saving policies in China, a large market demand for thermal insulation materials has emerged. A recent survey worked out by IAL Consultants reveals that, in 2012, the consumption of thermal insulation materials amounted to over 173 million m3 or nearly 6.0 million tons and the turnover reached almost 13 million euro, compared to 130 million m3 or 4.4 million tons and a turnover of 7,6 million euro in 2010.
During China's 11th Five Year Plan period (2006-2010), building energy consumption was reduced by 30% according to the Chinese State Development and Reform Committee.  This project covered new building construction and old building reconstruction. According to the new 12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015), building energy consumption will be reduced by a further 50% and by as much as 65% in the major cities in China, which would provide great future opportunities for thermal insulation materials.
The government has implemented new policy to ensure the enforcement of energy saving standards in new buildings. According to regulations set by the Ministry of Construction, all construction projects should obtain building energy saving certification. Construction management departments will award building energy position papers to those congruent projects. Those projects not meeting energy saving standards cannot get a Construction Project Programming Permit from the city programming departments.
Improvement in incomes and living standards will further boost demand for thermal insulation, as heating and air conditioning in homes become more popular.
The survey includes forecasts to 2017 for the following product categories: mineral fibres (glasswool and stonewool), expanded polystyrene (EPS), Extruded Polystyrene (XPS), polyurethane foam and phenolic foam.