Among the proposals for plastic welding that Leister Technologies has brought to Plast 2015, the Weldplast S1 manual extruder is particularly interesting, ideal for welding sheets between 4 and 12 mm in thickness. Ergonomic, manageable and light (it weighs just 4.7 kg), it processes the most common plastic materials: PE, PP and even PVC.

Its ergonomic handle ensures a secure grip even in difficult positions, while the control panel optimally manages the welding parameters, with the advantage of stability and process repeatability. The LED lights illuminate the welding zone for consistently optimal control, including visual control. Weldplast S1 uses threads of between 3 and 4 mm (which can be inserted from both sides and without twisting) and delivers hourly output of 0.8 kg of material (or up to 1.15 in the case of PVC).

The numerous solutions the company presented also included a preview of the "table" laser for welding plastic materials.