The global volume of turbo charged cars and trucks continues to increase year over year. As a result, the demand for more turbo air duct solutions and automotive components produced using 3D suction blow moulding technology, new materials and technologies has also increased.

To support such growth ST Soffiaggio Tecnica, DuPont and ActuaPlast thought it would be advantageous to host a “technology exchange”. The goal was to share what’s new in this industry in a way that stimulates new ideas that foster additional opportunities. The industry reaction to the concept was so high that a second day was added. The event was held on March 15 and 16, 2016. Each day hosted 50 industry experts.

The morning session for each day was held at the Hilton Embassy Suites in Livonia, Michigan to introduce the technology, the experts and the products. Each of the three companies also presented their core businesses and products as preparation for the PM session.

A shuttle bus then transported the guests to the headquarters of ActuaPlast North America, where the afternoon was a “hands on session” broken down into five different stations. Participants enjoyed the opportunity to work with ST blow moulding machines (model ASPI 150.2) at ActuaPlast running two DuPont thermoplastic materials (Hytrel and Zytel) manufacturing finished parts. A welding station was operational showing how to IR weld parts being manufactured from the thermoplastic elastomer Hytrel 8730 (TPC-ET co-polyester) by DuPont.

The blow moulding and technical exchange event was an example of the collaboration of the three co-hosts ST, DuPont and ActuaPlast joining forces to showcase blow moulding, while providing technical support and answering questions. From an ST perspective, interested customer(s) are offered assistance through each stage of the decision process, from design study, to the choice of the suitable material(s), to the implementation of 3D prototypes and pre-series with an optimisation of cycle times, thicknesses, weight and production.