Hosted at the Essebipresse booth, Rivi Magnetics presented its recent products and latest research and development achievements at Samuplast 2018, held in Pordenone from 1 to 3 February. In particular, at the fair it concentrated on the progress it has made in terms of connectivity, which allows remote access to its functional data on magnetic anchoring systems. A direct consequence of this is the company’s ability to offer efficient and effective remote assistance that enhances after-sale services to the advantage of processors.

Rivi Magnetics and its counterpart in the joint venture, Roemheld Rivi, chose a policy of development in line with the principles of Industry 4.0, focusing on assistance for clients in the context of the general process of change under way. What is becoming increasingly clear is that the industrial context is characterised by the interconnection of production and ERP systems, measuring, and coding of sensitive data for the rapid prevention, control and reduction of potential critical issues. This helps improve the performance of production and finishing technologies.

Participation in European studies to define safety standards under critical process conditions, patent development, design of bespoke anchoring systems that meet the specific needs of processors: these have always been among the company’s areas of expertise, leading Rivi Magnetics to major collaboration projects with leading Italian and international manufacturers of injection moulding machines. These features also permit the company to go above and beyond when it comes to the product, applying its know-how and sharing its research to develop increasingly sophisticated, safe, and performing systems in line with the fourth industrial revolution and modern manufacturing processes.