The Austrian Greiner Extrusion Group and the Italian Simplas are now working together in the area of tooling for film and sheet extrusion. Greiner Extrusion Group at the same time acquires a minority holding in Simplas. The clients of both companies will benefit from significantly larger production capacities, rapid onsite support and comprehensive tool services at eleven locations in Europe, North America and Asia.

Simplas and Greiner Extrusion Group are working together and are now cooperating in the area of tools for film and sheet extrusion. "We are convinced that two companies that can work together a lot have found each other here. The expansion of the portfolio and the pooling of strengths in internationalization support the ambitious growth targets of both companies", said Axel Kühner, CEO of the Greiner Group.

Simplas, based in Northern Italy, is one of the leading suppliers of tools for plastic film and sheet extrusion, coating and adhesive application, with core competencies in development, design and process engineering. Greiner Extrusion Group is one of the world's leading supplier of extrusion lines, tools and complete lines for profile extrusion and is now expanding Simplas' range of services with its international production, service and sales locations. Michele Graglia, majority shareholder and president of Simplas is convinced that the partnership is "a constellation that promises success. With the international locations and the wide sales network of the Greiner Extrusion Group, we will be even closer to our clients and further expand our range of services". Gerhard Ohler, CEO of the Greiner Extrusion Group, sees Simplas as the ideal partner and he says with conviction: "As a technology company with five decades of experience, broad expertise and high reputation, Simplas is the ideal partner to successfully continue our growth course in extrusion tools".