Since April 9, Negri Bossi, located in Cologno Monzese (Milan, Italy), has been using two injection moulding machines to produce masks to counter the spread of Covid19, the most serious pandemic of this beginning of the century. The idea started from the moulding manager, Ruggero Galbusera, and the operations director, Maurizio Seregni, both already engaged in social work, in particular Seregni who served for 20 years as a White Cross volunteer.


The project was immediately appreciated, and supported in the various evolutionary phases by Giancarlo Costa, president of the Volunteer Coordination Committee of Monza and Brianza with whom the logistical aspects for distribution to the community were organized.


The masks, the result of a project made entirely by Negri Bossi, are in thermoplastic rubber, a very flexible material that makes them comfortable and ergonomic. Masks can be reused thanks to the interchangeability of the filtering fabric and provide for the

possibility of upgrading to a higher level thanks to a possible insertion of the exhalation valve filter to cope with future certifications. In this regard, the procedures required by the Legislative Decree itself for PPE are being implemented.