Today, producing with recycled material, at least partially, is a must and Piovan Group is the right partner to face this change.
For quality of the final product made using recycled plastic materials, it is fundamental to ensure safe and traceable processes, reduction and control of contaminants and process stabilisation to ensure high efficiency and quality.
This is far from being simple since working with recycled plastic is very different from processing virgin material. The former has an unknown history that increases the Non Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS), e.g. low-boiling oils that may cause lifespan reduction of CAPEX additional maintenance costs, instability of process and low quality of final product.
Despite these challenges there is no choice: recycling is a key pre-requisite for a circular economy.
Analysing deeply the current challenges of mankind - climate change or global warming, depletion of natural resources and dispersion of polluting materials into the environment - the plastic itself can contribute to preserve natural resources because of its low impact on the environment if properly recycled.
Thinking to move all the plastic products to other materials is unwise because of greenhouse emissions increase and depletion of natural resources. But, at a closer look, a world without plastic is simply not possible.
Plastic is crucial in many industry sectors such as medical, to limit hazardous risks, packaging, for the preservation of food, and automotive products, to reduce weight and consequently emissions.

What can really make the difference is to adopt an awareness-raising policy with regard to the use of plastics, so that waste materials may also be considered a resource. What people can do is to properly recycle it.
Piovan Group knows these challenges well and is already an active participator in this change. Such experience is ready to be shared for designing and building the new plants for the circular economy.
From #plasticfree to #replastic