In the fiscal year 2021, the Wittmann Group realized 376 million euros in sales, the third highest figure in its corporate history. The order intake figure even reached an all-time high. In spite of the supply chain problems preventing an even higher sales figure, the Wittmann Group is looking ahead with optimism. This optimism is also reflected in the Group’s continuing investment activities.
At Wittmann Battenfeld in Kottingbrunn, the construction of a new hall with more than 3,000 square metre floor space was started in 2021, to house a fully automatic pallet shelf warehouse with 1,700 storage locations, an assembly area for large and vertical machines, as well as a new electrical workshop. Most of the construction work has now been completed. The assembly hall will go into operation at the end of July, the pallet shelf warehouse and the electrical workshop will be operating at full capacity by September. On the roof of the new hall, a solar power system is being installed, consisting of 1,604 panels with a total capacity of 651.8 MWh per annum.
Wittmann Battenfeld Deutschland is investing in both of its technical labs located at Meinerzhagen and Nuremberg. In Meinerzhagen, the existing technical lab is being remodeled and extended, to offer customers sufficient space for factory acceptance tests from autumn this year. The technical lab located in Nuremberg is being completely modernized.
Another major investment project is under way in the USA. In May 2022, the last extension stage for Plant 1 of Wittmann USA in Torrington, Connecticut, has been commissioned. This will be an extension by 1,000 square metres of the area for automation systems and complete injection moulding cells, combined with further structural alterations, such as a solar power system consisting of 539 panels with a total annual capacity of 322.9 MWh. Further extensions are also planned for the neighbouring Plant 2.
The Polish Wittmann subsidiary, Wittmann Battenfeld Polska, has purchased a 16,400 square metre piece of land in Krze Duże, close to its current location. Planning for the construction of a new building for sales, service and training facilities is in full swing. The start of construction is scheduled for the end of the first quarter of 2023. Completion is expected before the end of 2023.
For Michael Wittmann, CEO of the Wittmann Group, the ongoing investments are an important step to secure continuing corporate success for the years to come.