While waiting for the official statistics on visitors’ affluence at Interplastica 2010, to be released by the organizer in the next days, the overall impression was of a relevant decrease in the visitors’ quantity, even if with some differences between each day. The second day of the show, opened in Moscow January 26 and closed today, looked good in terms of affluence by operators from Russia or nearby countries, while in the other days the Halls looked not so crowded. Most of the Italian delegates and their agents negatively esteemed, in fact, the quantity of registered leads, even if the quality was quite appreciated. This is not so surprising, however, considering the general decrease of the Russian import in the sector, following the worldwide economic turmoil. The dates of Interplastica 2011, which still will take place in coincidence with Upakovka/Upak Italia, have not been released yet, but the appointment with the next edition of the Moscow show is for January of the coming year.