A newly appointed committee of plastics company officials will be responsible for maximizing the return on investment for exhibitors and visitors at the the next edition of NPE (Orlando, April 1-5, 2012), it was announced yesterday by SPI (Society of the Plastics Industry), which organizes the triennial event. Chairing the committee is John Effmann (ENTEK Manufacturing). Serving as vice-chairman is James O. Murphy (Davis-Standard). The NPE 2012 Executive Committee is responsible for policymaking and planning and includes the chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of five subcommittees. Working with these industry leaders will be SPI staff in charge of implementing the decisions of the committee. These are the measures designed to encourage the participation of exhibitors and attendees: package plans for exhibitors, more machinery operating on the show floor, broad range of technologies, wealth of educational opportunities for attendees.