In recent days, some Italian buyers reported having secured cargoes at competitive prices at the low end of the ranges, which stand almost at the same level as February, although some sellers initially sought increases of up to 50 euro/ton early in the month. A buyer purchased South European PVC at 765 euro/ton late last week (on FD North Italy, 90 days deferred payment basis), while another buyer was able to buy West European PVC at 750 euro/ton (FD North Italy, 30 days deferred payment).
Although overall spot prices reported for specialty grades early in March stood at levels as high as 770-870 euro/ton, they have now been adjusted down to 750-845 euro/ton with local terms. Done deals within the range are mostly representing rollovers or small increases of 10-20 euro/ton over last month.
Buyers feel that their ability to find prices at last month's levels is stemming from the weakness of the PVC market across Europe amid comfortable availability. (Source ChemOrbis)