A production cell, including a BMB all-electric injection moulding machine, a 32-cavity mould (Fratelli Bianchi) and an automation and packaging system from Star Automation Europe, was displayed in operation at Brasilplast 2011 (São Paulo, May 9-13) to demonstrate injection moulding of PS coffee spoons with a 3.8-sec cycle time, which means a hourly output of 30,400 parts.
The automation and packaging system is based on a TZ-1500HM side entry robot, a servo-motorized rotary table, an anthropomorphous 6-axis robot and a flow pack machine.
A similar automated cell, based on a Romi injection machine and a 3-axis servo-driven robot from Campetella Robotic Center was presented during the same fair for the production of cutlery in 50-piece packs in a 5-sec cycle time.