There will be a lot of Italian plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers at the 17th edition of Plastimagen (Mexico City, 4-7 October 2011).
The Italian pavilion, organized by the Assocomaplast management company, will bring together some 30 companies. Approximately ten other companies will either participate either directly or through their Mexican branches.
The number of participants confirms the importance of the Mexican market for Italian manufacturers: indeed, about 3% of Italian-made plastics and rubber machinery is exported to Mexico.
Another demonstration of this importance is the recent inauguration in Puebla of a technical training centre for plastics processors. The Centre is equipped with Italian machinery per agreement between the Italian Trade Commission (ICE), UPAEP (Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla) and Assocomaplast  (Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers' Association).