Compared to other materials such as wood or metal, PVC proves to be the best product in terms of costs-benefits in key sectors of the construction industry.
This is one of the conclusions of a study conducted by the independent research agency Althesys Strategic Consultant. The study was commissioned in 2011 by ECVM (The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers), a division of PlasticsEurope, the European association of plastics manufacturers.
While the benefits of PVC in terms of durability, performance and flexibility of use have long been recognized by the construction industry, its advantages in terms of long-term cost have never been fully appreciated. Furthermore, the study also shows that in three key building areas (windows, floors, pipework), PVC is not only the most "efficient" option in terms of installation costs, but also the best option throughout the entire active lifecycle of the product of which it is made as compared to competing materials.