With 50 years of activity celebrated in 2011 followed by expansion in Tunisia, Plastik certainly is not resting on its laurels. The major producer of technical packaging films, with headquarters in Albano Sant'Alessandro (Bergamo, Italy) and some 240 employees, is starting up a new production facility built some 60 km from Tunis via the newly founded Plastik Nord Afrique, which seeks to serve as a point of reference for the entire Maghreb area.
"It was a perfect choice, because EU markets are currently rather inert," explains Gianangelo Cattaneo, company president and also vice president of Cesap (Plastics Application Development Center) in Zingonia (Bergamo). "Seven years ago we began to appraise countries with growing markets and we were getting the best results from the Maghreb area, which at the time was already bringing in approximately ten million euros in revenues."