According to data supplied by the Brazilian association of PET industry (Abipet), local collection and recycling of PET grew from 164,000 tons in 2004 to 294,000 tons in 2011. A survey conducted among 409 PET recycling and processing firms (more than 40% located in the state of São Paolo, 11% in Santa Caterina, and 9% in Rio Grande Do Sul) showed that roughly 93% of Brazilian recyclers participating in the survey had been in business for at least 5 years, attesting to the continuity and development of PET recycling in the area. Fifteen percent of the companies process over 500 tons per month, 20% process between 200 and 500 tons, 25% between 100 and 200 tons, 20% between 50 and 100 tons, and the remaining 20% below 50 tons. Sixty-seven percent of the interviewees expressed an intention to invest more in the coming 12 months. The principal markets for recycled PET are textiles (42%), bottle-to-bottle (33%), and packaging (18%). Recycled PET is marketed mainly as flakes (65%).