February 1st saw the inauguration of the Italian Automation Academy at the headquarters of B&R Automazione Industriale in Passirana di Rho (near Milan). Ongoing specialist training and technical expertise are seen by the company as key elements both for the engineers, constantly involved in the development of products and applications and the provision of technical support, and for the sales and marketing staff. This mindset is demonstrated by the presence, at the company, of specialised trainers and courses on automation aimed at customers, partners and students.
It is with these principles in mind that the company has created the Italian Automation Academy, intending it to serve as a centre specifically dedicated to training. The aim of this important investment is to create a centre that will help spread the culture of automation in our country and offer valid support in the transition phase between school and the working world. B&R actually already runs a proper school for this purpose, called Engineering Camp. This school has three permanent sites, in Austria, the US and China, where new employees are trained to become experts on automation in various sectors of industry.