The seventh annual IRC (International Rubber Conference) exhibition-convention was recently held in Paris (from 20 to 22 March). The event, organised by Idice and Aficep (Association Française des Ingegnieurs et Cadres du Caoutchouc et des Polymères), saw the participation of around 60 exhibitors, each with a small information stand, who, according to the organisers, were very satisfied with the quantity and quality of the contacts they made over the three days of the conference. Processors, mainly French of course, were present in force.
The Italian manufacturers at the event were Maris and Pomini, from the extrustion sector, and Doss and Micromeccanica, representing that of auxiliary equipment. As regards applications, attention was focused on the following sectors: automotive, aerospace, rail and medical. Other Italian companies listed in the catalogue included Deltagran Europe (producer of additives and masterbatches). The stands of the various rubber industry associations and research centers attending the event deserve a particular mention: Aficep; CFCP (Centre Français du Caoutchouc et des Polymères); Certesebs - Université François Rabekaus de Tours; CTTM (Centre de Transfert de Technologie du Mans); Elastopôle (Pôle de Competitivité Caoutchouc et Polymères).
The conferences were enriched by numerous lectures given by representatives of research centers and universities from different countries (including China, Japan, the Netherlands and Spain) and by representatives of multinationals operating in the sector, such as Cabot Corporation, ExxonMobil, Trelleborg and Wacker Chemie. Numerous topics were covered, divided into five thematic areas: chemical aspects of raw materials; the optimisation of production processes; health and safety; new application areas for rubber products; the outlook for the rubber industry. The lectures and exhibition were attended by many representatives of the press, including Macplas, and by technicians from 20 different countries, who gave the event a markedly international feel. The next IRC will be held in Beijing in 2014.