During the recent K 2019, WM Thermofroming Machines launched the new Flex 92, a thermoforming machine designed for extensive mould matching, an unprecedented concept that offers the thermoformers great flexibility and freedom of choice to use a plug and play system for number of moulds from different machine builders on a single machine designed by the manufacturer.


A high-speed laser system built into the machine is just one of the newly integrated technologies that WM Thermoforming Machines is launching into the market providing their customers the possibility to offer an added value to their packaging product going from laser cutting, punching and engraving. The integrated inline laser process is an excellent example of the constant change and solutions the Swiss company is pursuing.


The drive for constant change and innovation is reinforced by a new campaign “moved by passion”, a tag line that perfectly describes the dynamism and the road to success that the company has been building up by designing and manufacturing thermoforming equipment with proven and reliable technology during the last 40 years.


The recent launch of the newly designed website aims at allowing the customers to have better and faster access to broad product portfolio and market solutions. Timely oriented thermoforming solutions are needed to respond to a faster changing packaging industry where sustainability has become a major focus for the end user and authorities. With a new video entitled “Plastic is a resource”, the company not only wants to take an active role in pursuing innovation and needed development to make this planet a better place, but also wants to raise greater awareness among their organization and the industry to be part of the solution starting with its daily habits as an individual.