The Sacmi Group announced the appointment of Mauro Fenzi as new general manager. In March he’ll take over from Giulio Mengoli, who has, for personal reasons, considered it appropriate to terminate his employment.
Despite all the difficulties caused by Covid-19, the year 2020 still saw Sacmi achieve good results in terms of operating margins and cash flow generation. Indeed, this past year has allowed the Group to further enhance its far-reaching presence around the world. Market shares have grown in all business areas thanks to the excellence of the products and services provided.
The President of the Board of Directors, Paolo Mongardi, informed the Assembly that the change in General Management would take place "in such a way as to ensure continuity of strategic and operational corporate management". He also thanked Giulio Mengoli for his valuable contribution to the company over the years.
Genoa-born Mauro Fenzi, 59 years old, who holds a degree in engineering from Milan Polytechnic and has wide-ranging experience in the field of industrial automation systems development, has now been appointed to the role. He has gained broad professional experience in Italy, the United States and France. Since 2014 he has been at the helm of leading multinational groups. More specifically, from 2014 to 2019 he was CEO of Comau, where he had covered various key positions since 2001. Since January 2020 he has been CEO of Sogefi. He has also held senior positions in other market-leading companies in the aerospace and petrochemical sectors. Fenzi comes well prepared to take on new challenges. In addition to an in-depth understanding of industrial automation and the technological changes taking place in the digital field, he has significant experience in terms of growing businesses and developing human resources.