The ordinary shareholders meeting of Gefran, chaired by Maria Chiara Franceschetti, approved the group financial statements for the year 2020 and the Board’s proposal to distribute an ordinary dividend of 0.26 euros per entitled share before taxes. As for the performance of the parent company, Gefran, revenues reached 56.3 million euros, gross operating margin 10.5 million euros, and net profit 6.3 million euros. As for the consolidated results, revenues were of 129.6 million euros, gross operating margin of 17.5 million euros, and net profit of 4.4 million euros.


“Viewed in the context of the difficulties caused by the pandemic over most of the year, the results of the 2020 financial statement and the generation of the dividend may be considered highly satisfactory, definitely better than expected. In objectively difficult circumstances, Gefran confirmed its distinctive ability to maintain its position on the market, guaranteeing non-stop service for its customers and continuing to generate new business opportunities. We also continued implementation of our investment plan in support of the evolution of products and processes to improve our competitiveness. The first results from the year 2021 are positive, confirming the trend that emerged in the final part of 2020 toward recover of pre-pandemic profit levels, though there are still plenty of hurdles to be overcome, particularly critical points in materials procurement and the overall hike in raw materials prices”, Marcello Perini, Gefran CEO, declared.
