The latest in the series of webinars organised in the run-up to GreenPlast 2022 has been scheduled for February 8 and 9, the first day in Italian and the second in English, in line with the tried-and-tested format used for the previous three. This time the event will focus, from an environmental perspective, on injection moulding. Entitled “Lo stampaggio a iniezione nei processi di trasformazione delle plastiche sostenibili e post consume (Injection moulding in the processing of sustainable and post-consumer plastics)”, it will see the participation of four international leaders in this field, namely, Arburg, BMB, Engel and Piovan.
Raffaele Abbruzzetti (first on the left, in the picture below), managing director of Arburg Italia will take part in the event with the speech "Trasformare sfide in opportunità - Il processo di trasformazione dei materiali riciclati (Transforming challenges into opportunities – The processing of recycled materials)", illustrating how sustainability and circular economy begin long before a product is made starting from the raw material. With this in mind, the speaker will explain the way in which plastics must re-enter the flow of raw materials to be recycled in large quantities and with high quality standards, highlighting which parameters to consider for an efficient integration of circular economy into plastic production processes.
To follow, Lucio Strappazzon (second from the left), sales area manager of BMB, with the presentation "Il ruolo strategico delle full electric nella trasformazione delle resine naturali bio-compostabili (The strategic role of full electric machines in the processing of bio-compostable natural resins)", will announce that BMB has chosen a compelling application for GreenPlast leaving no doubt about what a really environment friendly approach should be, with a 100% eco-sustainable process resulting in a compostable product directly made at one’s home. This will emphasize the need to be aware of the fact that true respect for the environment depends on everyone, on the level of quality chosen for producing and recycling, and living one's life.
The CEO of Engel Italia, Matteo Terragni (second from the right), in his speech "Engel injection moulding technologies to boost circular economy" will talk about the circular economy market and its potential, analyzing the challenges involved in the implementation of the concepts related to recycling, and the possible solutions, illustrating the smart machines developed by Engel to facilitate the use of post-consumer resins and introducing innovative technologies and applications through the "Game changer".
Finally, with the speech "Le sfide nello stampaggio a iniezione con plastica riciclata (The challenges in the injection moulding of recycled plastics)" Pavel Andrushchuk (first on the right), the head of Piovan's recycling operations, will show how the use of recycled plastic implies different problems for the processor compared to virgin materials. These problems may reduce the operating life of the plant and increase maintenance costs and process instability. The speaker will then explain how to maximize production and the quality of the finished product, and ensure robust and traceable processes in an Industry 4.0 environment.
To register for the third webinar, click here.