Safe magnetic clamping systems
Within ISO/270 Technical Committee, the study of a standard on the safety requirements for magnetic clamping systems used in plastics and rubber processing machines has been started.
The first meeting of Working Group 3 took place at the end of May at UNI premises - standards body holding ISO/TC 270 Secretariat - and registered the participation of 25 delegates from eight countries (Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States) and the justified absences of the British and Japanese delegations.
During the meeting, based on a very first working draft drawn up by the Italian delegation, the experts appointed by 5 out of the main magnetic clamping systems manufacturers compared their specific application experiences with the other delegates representing the different national standards bodies.
The increasing use of magnetic clamping systems in plastics and rubber processing companies required the need for a standard of reference, that gives to manufacturers and users the presumption of conformity of safety measures that will be adopted worldwide in different markets.
In parallel with the start of the activity within ISO, the process has been activated at European level as well, based on an international agreement (called Vienna agreement), in order that, when finalized, the standard can be adopted as well within CEN, to be added to the 16 standards currently in force, issued by CEN/TC 145, concerning the safety requirements of as many machines and equipment for plastics and rubber.