European conference on the Italian bioeconomy

On March 6, the European Parliament hosts a conference entitled "BioPlastics: A case study of Bioeconomy in Italy in the light of Horizon 2020", organised by the Kyoto Club with the endorsement of the Italian Environment Ministry. The purpose of the event is to highlight the potential of Italy's bioeconomy and the way in which measures to support bio-based products are helping to stimulate new investments in biorefineries and bring about social benefits in terms of waste prevention and sustainable consumption patterns. The aim, in presenting the example of Italy, is to demonstrate that resource efficiency is not only a strategic necessity for Europe, but also an economic opportunity capable of restarting growth in areas hit by the crisis.
The conference will be opened by MEP Amalia Sartori and will include interventions by Italian environment minister Corrado Clini, the president of the Kyoto Club Catia Bastioli, and leaders of various Italian and European institutions, as well as associations active in the bio-economy and waste management sectors. The programme also includes the presentation of the book "Bioplastics: A case study of Bioeconomy in Italy. A smart chemistry for a smarter life in a smarter planet", published by the Kyoto Club.