BOPA film market

According to a recent report released by PCI Films Consulting, the total world demand for BOPA film was just over 177,000 ton in 2009 and has increased at an average rate of 8% since 2004. In Europe over 40% of BOPA film is used by processors in Germany and Italy. France and Scandinavia are also among larger users of BOPA film. Other major consuming regions are Japan, the USA and China, whose capacity has increased by almost 600% since 2004, and now accounts for 30% of total world capacity. China is now one of the world's largest BOPA film producers and consumers, second only to Japan. Further growth is expected in Chinese BOPA film production, with volume forecast to reach almost 70,000 ton by 2014.
South East Asia and Oceania remain the world's largest regional exporters with Thailand and Indonesia very active in exporting to other regions. World BOPA film demand is expected to grow by an average of 3.7% per year with Chinese demand growth being the main contributor. After the flurry of investment in 2003-2006, which caused an over-supply situation, especially in Central and East Asia, world capacity utilisation rates have improved to a more balanced position in 2009 (82% utilisation). The report concludes that more capacity will be needed in certain regions of the world (mainly Asia) in the coming years to feed the projected demand growth worldwide.