The Technology Days of Arburg restarted with digitization and sustainability

From June 22 to 25, 2022, the Arburg Technology Days took place again after a break of two long years due to pandemic. Around 3,700 visitors from all over the world came to Lossburg (Germany). Awaiting them under the title, "Think Tank", were around 50 machine exhibits, the Efficiency Arena with its focus on digitalisation and sustainability, service solutions and fascinating expert presentations.
Under the Technology Days title, "Think Tank", Arburg proved with numerous application examples that the company does not wait until topics become popular, rather it acts as a pioneer offering future-proof solutions ahead of time. This could be felt at every corner. Enthusiasm and inspiration quickly spread to the visitors, whether in discussions on the "arburgXworld" customer portal, during the presentation on the Gestica control system with its digital assistants, or in the context of the many applications and exhibits, which demonstrated features such as the “smart” injection moulding of recyclates live. A digital highlight was the brand new 5G campus network, which Arburg, as a pilot customer of Deutsche Telekom, used in the Customer Center at the Technology Days 2022 for networked manufacturing in plastic processing.
The Efficiency Arena met with a great response. Here, around 20 experts from Arburg and its partners provided information on all topics relating to "arburgGREENworld" and "arburgXworld". The focus at the total of nine stations was on innovative solutions for resource conservation and digitalisation along the entire injection moulding value chain.
At the event, Arburg gave existing and prospective customers the opportunity to experience around 50 exhibits “live” - including the entire range of machine, application and process technologies. Expert presentations in the new Training Center and exhibits and exhibition areas distributed across the entire company covered popular topics such as turnkey, medical technology, additive manufacturing and service.