Sandretto into liquidation

A sad awakening in Pont Canavese for 127 workers. The rumours of the past months now appear to have come true. Sandretto has gone into liquidation. According to local press reports, the employees have been informed about the fact in a letter from the Belgian mother company, Photonike Capital.

During the past spring the workforce downed tools several times as a response to the rumours concerning the future of the factory in Pont Canavese (near Turin) and at the time the workers union Fiom Cgil had already rung the alarm bells on the state of the company. In the coming days, the union will organize a meeting with the local institutions and then with the Ministry of economic development.

In the past weeks several meetings have taken place between officers of Regione Piemonte and the management of Sandretto in order to assess the respect of the agreements signed up by the company three years ago, at the time of the first rescue attempt from bankruptcy. From what is emerging in these hours, the intention now would be to definitely abandon the historic injection moulding machine production site, with the company giving up this business unit and dedicating itself exclusively to the construction of 3D printers for additive manufacturing.