Four months around Europe

The last months of 2018 are full of international appointments for Star Automation

Europe, who do not miss any of the most important plastics-related events on the European territory until the end of the year. Activities have started at full speed after the summer closure and much of the effort, aside from the one always dedicated to the completion of machinery and automations for the customers who are waiting for their deliveries, are dedicated to the participation to exhibitions.

The first event of the autumnal exhibition season was Expo Plast Exhibition in Romania (Sibiu, September 18-21), where on the agent Almitech booth an automated system for the extraction of plastic cups, with a Stec-510-controller-managed Fx-1000 high-speed Cartesian robot, was exhibited. The second one was held in the Netherlands, where the historical distributor Koot Automation, who has been representing Star Automation

Europe for a long time on the German market as well, took part to Kunststoffen exhibition (Veldhoven, September 26-27). The following appointment was Plastex exhibition in Czech Republic (Brno, October 1-5), a market which demonstrated itself to be more and more interesting for the producer and their agent Selex, given the presence in the area of many European seats of Japanese groups, whose relationship with Star Automation

Europe has always been tight and highly satisfying. The last of this year exhibitions is the important appointment with the Turkish exhibition of Plast Eurasia (Istanbul, December 5-8): the penetration in the Turkish market is highly successful, also thanks to the notable effort of the distributor Moritech Robot Teknolojileri Otomasyon, who is being particularly appreciated by customers also for the extraordinary services of installation, maintenance and after-sales assistance.

Star Automation Europe takes directly part with its own booth to Fakuma exhibition (Friedrichshafen, October 16-20) where an important space is dedicated to Eins, Star brand for EOAT components. During the latter months the important step of constituting Eins Division has been made, with the raising of its dedicated personnel and the participation on the first Eins-only event, Automatica exhibition in Munich, from June 19 to 22. The publication of Eins E-Commerce website has also proven successful: in fact, it is possible to purchase online all the components of the catalogue, with a special 10% discount on the end user pricelist.