A significant extension to testing and machining capacity is under way at Macchi. Construction work at the company's headquarters in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Venegono Inferiore, Northern Italy, was started last summer and should be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2009. It will provide Macchi with over 5,000 sqm of extra floor space. Most importantly, it will allow the company to add another six bays for assembly and testing of equipment immediately prior to shipment. At the moment, the company has space for up to ten lines at various stages of final assembly at any one time, but with output currently running at around 70 lines a year. In 2008, the company took orders for no fewer than five 7-layer coextrusion lines and believes the trend is likely to continue. Macchi's machining area will also be expanded, with the company planning to install new machining centres in the coming months. Space for the company's technical offices is being extended as well. The company is sending a clear message to the film extrusion world: even in difficult times like these it is investing for the future. Over the last five years, the company sales have doubled. The company had an excellent 2008 and prospects for the coming months are still good.