To take into account the requirements of the leading electronics, automotive and luxury cosmetic industries, RocTool at the K 2013 show introduces three last generation technologies for quick moulding. They are able to ensure superior surface appearance and reduced thickness at a compatible mass production cost.
The company presents parts combining RocTool technologies with the D-IMD (Digital In-Mould Decoration) from the start up Zomazz. The surface quality is amazing and scratch resistance is increased. By combining the two processes allows new opportunities in the gaming and automotive markets, responding in particular to new mass customization demands.
RocTool speeds things up on the Engel stand: 4,000 carbon, hybrid parts to be produced during the trade show. A reinforced carbon fiber composite part is over-moulded with plastic injection, combining the advantages of both materials without specific finishing.
Finally, the company presents a plastic injected, electronic tablet housing on its stand, reaching record highs in terms of thickness: 0.8 mm.