Upon proposal of the Italian machinery manufacturers, the European umbrella association for plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers (Euromap) is planning to introduce Recommendation n. 90: an energy label for plastics and rubber machinery, which will come into force on October 1, 2014. Such label makes reference to Euromap Recommendations on energy measurement for injection moulding machines (Euromap 60), extrusion blow moulding machines (Euromap 46) and future Recommendations, amongst which the one for thermoforming machines and extruders, currently under study, all defined in relation to the European Directive for energy efficiency 2012/27/UE, came into force on December 2012. Unlike the EU energy label (e.g. for refrigerators), the Euromap label is voluntary. Also, no third-party certification is required in order to display it. To such label the machinery manufacturers can make reference in the technical documents, in the ads etc. A precise description of the new energy label can be downloaded free of charge from the website: www.euromap.org.