After having bought, in 2013, a TR-range automatic coiler from FB Balzanelli, a German leading producer of XPE pipes recently replaced three of its old coilers with as many TR1400 units. According to the coilers’ manufacturer, this model, specifically designed for XPE pipes, is becoming increasingly popular in Germany and, more generally, its end-of-line automation systems are performing very well on the European market, where a growing number of units is being installed.

The TR range of automatic coilers, the first one to be developed in-house by FB Balzanelli, has been demonstrating reliability and high performance levels, ensuring lower costs and a considerably improved productivity. Thanks to its general characteristics as well as to its flexibility, allowing for the production of a wide range of reels, this units have proven to be the solution preferred by XPE pipes manufacturers. The equipment supplied with the TR models includes brushless motors, planetary gear units and a fourth-generation fast strapper.