On 13 March, Cribis gave Piovan its "D&B Rating 1", indicating the highest level of economic and financial dependability of a commercial transactions firm. This certification represents the highest assessment level of economic soundness and commercial reliability of an organization, and it is issued exclusively to companies that constantly maintain a high level of economic and financial dependability and punctuality in payments. The rating is attributed after analysing the company's financial statements for the past five years on the basis of 1500 criteria, including the age of the business, growth in employment, punctuality in payments, and the consistency of these factors over time. This is a distinguished recognition – given each year to only 6% of the over 5 million Italian businesses – and confirms the effectiveness and efficiency of the managerial and administrative standards of the manufacturer of auxiliary equipment, based in Santa Maria di Sala (province of Venice) and provides a guarantee to customers, suppliers and partner companies. A member of Gruppo Crif (sole Italian international rating agency, certified by Consob, Esma and Eacra), Cribis is an Italian and world leader in credit audits. It holds the largest existing cache of financial information regarding company payment behaviour and handles the D-U-N-S Number, i.e. the unambiguous company identification number that is officially recognized by the principal international institutions and organizations: the UN, the U.S. government, the European Commission, and ISO.