"Technology innovations that enhance value in polymer processing", organized by CPAC (Center for Process Analysis and Control) and sponsored by the technical magazine Macplas and from the companies Gimac and MK Optimization and Control, will take place on May 6-7 on the occasion of PLAST 2015.
The speakers will highlight the developments obtained in the main process operations that are of value in producing the next generation of high technology polymeric materials. These advances are enabled by recent developments in real-time analysis and data handing concepts that lead to improved process control through process understanding and thus control. The event, which will be held in the Conference Centre of Fiera Milano in Rho, Room Aquarius, will be divided in threee sections:
Wednesday May 6 (14-18 hours) - "Overview of new material concepts and tools being developed provide significant new capabilities in the field”. Invited talks: New Material Development and Modifications in the Polymer Field (Attilio Citterio, Milan Polytechnical, Milan, Italy); New Polymeric Materials (Chantal Lankkamp, Teknorapex, Netherlands); Bio Sources of PET (Mossi Ghisolfi); final discussion: Ray Chrisman (MK Opt and Control, USA);
Thursday May 7 (10-13 hours) – "Utilizing Developments in Continuous Processing - Process Control, Sampling, and Sensing - the Applications and Benefits of these Technologies in Manufacturing Facilities". Invited talks: Project with Pirelli i(Maurizio Galimberti, Polytechnical, Milan, Italy); Case Study, Need for Process Monitoring for Process Control (Giuseppe Caire, Infineum Italia, Italy); Benefits from Calorimetry Combined with Spectroscopy (Marino Nebuloni, University of Parma and Redox, Monza, Italy; Giuseppe Perale, Suspi, Switzerland); Strategies for the real time analysis of polymer streams (Ray Chrisman, MK Opt and Control, USA);
Thursday May 7 (14-18 hours) – "The applications and benefits of new technologies in manufacturing facilities - A description of the commercially available tools which are designed to enable production of the new array of polymeric materials". Invited talks: Micro-Extruder Technology Developments for Solids Handling.(Simone Maccagnan, GIMAC, Italy); Online Analysis Applied to Monitor Real-Time Distribution, Dispersion and Exfoliation (Andrea Castrovinci, Supsi, Lugano, Switzerland); Process Intensification via Integrated Separation Technology (Ludo Diels, Vito, Belgium); Control Technologies for Effective Use of Process Analytical Technology and Process Improvements (Marco Banti, ABB, Italy).
It is possible to register in the conference by filling in the form at the following link:


The program and further information are available at the following links:


