Artemis Racing is a professional sailing team, founded in 2006 by Torbjörn Törnqvist, and is ready to undertake the ultimate challenge in competitive sailing: the America’s Cup. With a victory in the upcoming 35th America’s Cup, scheduled for 2017 in Bermuda, Artemis Racing would bring the oldest trophy in international sport to Sweden, Törnqvist’s home country, for the first time. The America’s Cup has always been a race driven by technology - a boat’s design can play as big a factor in victory as its crew. As such, carbon fiber has become the construction material of choice for modern racing yachts.

To ensure that every piece of their boat is perfect, Artemis Racing has started using CMS’ CNC equipment to machine the carbon fiber parts and components they need. Artemis Racing utilizes an Ares moving bridge CNC system to create dagger foils, hull components, wing sails, and more. The Ares’ large work envelope is well-suited to the cutting and machining of these oversized parts, and CMS’ advanced CNC technology guarantees that each piece matches the design specifications exactly.

The nature of America’s Cup competition and the ongoing struggle to be the best boat on the water leads Artemis Racing to constantly revise and refine their designs. CMS’ CNC technology enables Artemis Racing’s engineers to produce newly-redesigned components quickly and easily, so they can be tested in racing scenarios and evaluated for further revisions. In late March of this year, America’s Cup organizers made a significant rule change for the upcoming competition, throwing a wrench into the plans of Artemis Racing and other competitors.

Thanks to their CMS 5-axis CNC system, the Artemis Racing team can react quickly to their engineers’ design changes, as well as those of their competitors. “In addition to our machines, we have also benefitted from CMS outstanding technical service and support” Artemis Racing’s build manager, Mark Allanson, stated.