A plant by Amut Ecotech - recycling division of Amut Group - was recently installed in Edwa city of Minya Governorate, Egypt, for the recycling of municipal solid wastes (MSW); the plant is planned to go into full operation by June. The manufacturer was awarded the public tender issued by UNDP solid waste management in Minya project in 2016, and the project is financed by the Italian Egyptian Debt for Development Swap Program based on a commercial agreement between the Italian and Egyptian Republics. The plant represents a pilot scheme that will be then replicated in other governorates aiming at upgrading the management of the municipal wastes across the country.

The facility will segregate 300 tons/day of municipal wastes: the dry wastes will be processed for extracting recyclable materials ready for sale and RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), useful for use as source of fuel in cement factories, whilst the organic waste will be biologically treated to produce compost intended to agricultural applications. It has been designed to reduce the volumes of waste to be sent to landfill, maximize quantity and quality of recyclable materials, get best quality of final RDF product in terms of calorific value and achieving a great ratio between plant production and investment costs.