The grand opening of Mater-Biopolymer, the Novamont Group’s site dedicated to the production of Origo-Bi took place in Patrica (FR) on October 19. Origo-Bi is a family of biodegradable polyesters with an increasing content of renewable raw materials, which enter the production process of the Mater-Bi bioplastic family.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony has been preceded by the conference "The Rigeneration Comes on", which is part of the review of events related to the fifth anniversary of the Club of Rome. The event has been moderated by journalist Elena Comelli and has seen the speeches of Gian Paolo Manzella, Councilor for Economic Development, Commerce and Crafts, Start-Up of the Lazio Region, Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, Mauro Magatti, Professor of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Massimiliano Tellini, Global Head - Circular Economy Intesa San Paolo Innovation Centre, Christophe Debien, Director General of the Institut National de l'Economie Circulaire, Gianni Pietro Girotto, President 10th Industry Commission Senate of the Republic, Davide Crippa, Undersecretary of State Ministry of Economic Development and Gunter Pauli economist, entrepreneur, Belgian writer and father of the “Blue Economy”.

At the end of the conference, all the guests, including representatives of the institutions, local administrations, universities and research and industrial partners of the Group, has been guided into the plant to discover its production process.

Mater-Biopolymer, in line with the Novamont strategy, based on the use of the world's first technologies for the revitalization of no longer industrial sites, is a virtuous example of industrial development in a logic of territorial regeneration and enhancement of infrastructure and skills existing.

It comes from the conversion of a plant dedicated to the production of PET. Thanks to Novamont’s innovative technologies and know-how, the various sections of the plant have been regenerated to allow the use of renewable raw materials and the application of a more sustainable and low-emission process. Mater-Biopolymer is a highly efficient plant, and is equipped with a complex system of utilities that allows to minimize costs and waste through the recovery and enhancement of waste. In 2016, the site started the construction of a waste water distillation section from the process that made it possible to recover the tetrahydrofuran (THF) that is generated during the polymerization reaction, which, once distilled, is destined for industry chemistry and pharmaceuticals.