All companies in our sector can immediately do something for the circular economy: selling unused raw materials and regrinded by-products.

The portal to do it quickly and safely is:


The use of the system is simple and free: just register on the site, complete company data and sell a product.


The ad, after being validated by PlasticFinder technicians, will be published on the marketplace that today boasts more than 1200 unique daily visitors.


PlasticFinder directly manages payments, logistics and possible disputes thanks to an escrow account developed in partnership with one of the leading Italian credit institutions. A system created to help companies to better exploit all "plastic resources" from both the economic and the environmental point of view.


All users who have successfully completed a transaction will receive a Life Cycle Assesment Certificate that will report in detail the data of the polymer sold or purchased. This certificate can be used in companies' environmental sustainability reports.


From January to today over 347,000 kg of unused plastics have been relocated to the market, finding a new use.


Circular economy can be immediately affordable thanks to PlasticFinder!