On July 2, Engel opened a new sales and service office with its own training centre in Belgium. The injection moulding machine manufacturer and systems solutions provider headquartered in Austria, has once again boosted its customer proximity.


The new office is located in Oostakker near Ghent, one of the most important industrial cen-tres in Belgium. It is part of Engel Benelux in Houten, the Netherlands, the base from which Engel previously managed its sales and service activities in Belgium. The new location is managed by David Deliever (sales) and Jurgen de Maesschalk (service).


"We have shortened the decision-making paths for our customers in Belgium and created the opportunity to hold project meetings, seminars and training sessions locally in a very efficient way and with little travel overhead", as Arthur van Dijk, the Managing Director of Engel Benelux emphasizes. "The travel restrictions caused by the Corona pandemic have once again shown how important a local presence is".


Belgium is a particularly innovative and technologically demanding market. With its high level of expertise in systems solutions, Engel is one of the preferred suppliers to the plastics processing industry here. In addition, Engel Benelux supports local research projects and co-operates with industry and university partners in the fields of lightweight composites and hybrid parts.