The starting signal was given on September 1, 2021: a total of 77 new trainees and students from the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) started their training at Arburg. This proud number underlines the high value that the well-founded and triple-certified training has for the Lossburg mechanical engineering company. For more than 70 years, the family-owned company has been making sustainable investments in its future. Renate Keinath, who as Managing Partner is responsible for human resources management, warmly welcomed the new trainees and students on behalf of the shareholders and managing directors, the entire team of trainers and all employees.

"Employees with first-class training and a broad range of specialist knowledge are very important for Arburg's innovative strength and international competitiveness. Giving young people a successful start to their careers is not something that can be taken for granted by many companies in these times of the coronavirus. We, on the other hand, continue to train unabated", said Renate Keinath in her address.

Thanks to the innovative and triple-certified training system, the 16-strong team of trainers led by training manager Michael Vieth can react flexibly to the respective requirements even in difficult times. Basic training takes place in the 2,000-square-meter Vocational Training Center with modern machinery and learning technology. The method of action-oriented teaching and learning is brand new from this year. Innovative learning methods included home schooling during the coronavirus pandemic. "Despite the many advantages that digital communication and working from a home bring, however, personal contacts are still important and need to be maintained and extended," Renate Keinath encouraged the new training cohort. This also includes going through the various departments during the training and working there.

Arburg makes it easier for the newcomers to get started with an exciting introductory week: this gives them the opportunity to get to know both the company and each other - in compliance with the hygiene concept, of course. In the company, for example, this is followed by plant tours, a presentation of the Arburg product portfolio and an introduction to the individual departments. In addition, training manager Michael Vieth and the team of instructors organised team-building events and an off-site barbecue.
