The Italian manufacturer Syncro Group joins the R-Cycle community to help circular economy growing into the packaging industry. The concept of R-Cycle boosts technologies, allowing the recording of all recycling-relevant information from the production process in a standardized digital product passport.
All this is applied to the packaging and it is made available to the recycling industry through a data platform. R-Cycle has the goal of setting an open standard for the tracing of recyclable packaging across the value chain. The data from the product passport are retrievable via an appropriate marker (e.g. digital watermarks) on the packages. This allows waste sorting systems to correctly identify fully recyclable packaging contributing to the climate neutrality goals described in the EU European Green Deal.

“We are excited to join R-Cycle, an initiative which is including leading Companies in the plastic processing industry and has huge opportunities to upgrade recycling technologies, which are key to a circular economy a sustainability in packaging. Syncro Group companies have been pioneers in developing process, equipment and procedures offering the best control systems to enlarge usage of high-content recycled polymers and bio-compostable resins including applications for composite materials coated with cellulose and paper. We always believed in sustainability as a substantial commitment of all our design and manufacture talent which will bring technically-viable solutions involving different applications, and R-Cycle alliance and its technical hub go fully in this direction”, Gabriele Caccia (above), Syncro Group CEO and president, and Andrea Rigliano, CSO and greenology manager, the powered engines of the recent choice, stated.